
The Vital Role of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Post-Pregnancy

By Dr. Zarina Vitebsky, DPT, MSPT, PRPC, TPS, LPF, DN on 8/14/2023

Mommy Baby Workouts


For many women, pregnancy is a transformative experience. Yet, as wondrous as bringing a new life into the world is, it can have profound effects on a woman's body – particularly her pelvic region. This is where pelvic floor physical therapy shines, aiding in postpartum recovery and ensuring long-term pelvic health.

The Post-Pregnancy Pelvic Floor: What Happens?

During pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic floor muscles undergo tremendous stress. They stretch, weaken, and sometimes even sustain damage. Such changes can lead to a myriad of symptoms, including:

  1. Urinary or fecal incontinence

  2. Pain during intercourse

  3. Lower back pain

  4. Pelvic organ prolapse

The Magic of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

  1. Targeted Exercises: Therapists provide a regimen tailored to each woman, focusing on strengthening weak pelvic muscles and relaxing tight ones.

  2. Biofeedback: This technique gives real-time data about muscle activity, enabling women to make immediate adjustments to ensure effective muscle engagement.

  3. Education: A significant component of pelvic floor physical therapy is teaching women about their bodies, helping them understand the nuances of their pelvic health.

  4. Manual Techniques: These are hands-on techniques aimed at alleviating muscle tension and pain.

Long-Term Benefits for Postpartum Women

  1. Improved Bladder Control: Say goodbye to those sneeze-leaks.

  2. Enhanced Intimate Life: Reduce pain during intimacy and potentially enhance pleasure.

  3. Reduced Pain: Alleviate discomfort in the lower back and pelvic region.

  4. Confidence Boost: Knowing you're actively caring for your body can significantly boost self-esteem.


Pelvic floor physical therapy is very beneficial for postpartum women. With its multifaceted approach, it not only addresses immediate post-pregnancy concerns but also ensures long-term pelvic health.


  1. American Physical Therapy Association: Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor

  2. Mayo Clinic: Pelvic floor muscle training exercises

  3. Harvard Health Publishing: Pelvic physical therapy: Another potential treatment option

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